
Westland Funeral Services is a Greymouth owned and operated firm with a proud tradition of service and commitment to the community extending back over 60 years.  The founder of the company, the late Joe Pattinson had dreamed of being of being a funeral director right from the time when as a school boy he used to help his uncle Ernie in the Greymouth funeral business of W. Sampson.  He had a dream, a vision of a funeral business based around the word “service”.  He had plans for a funeral business that would serve the community with professionalism, dignity and compassion, regardless of colour, creed or standing.  With the support of his wife Helen that dream began to come true.  Westland Funeral Services directed its first funeral on the 27th November 1963 and now over 60 years later we acknowledge the fulfilment of that dream.  We have a superb, top quality funeral complex, a chapel admired by all and crematorium.  Joe was justifiably proud of his and Helen’s achievement.  He wanted a funeral directing business second to none but most of all, one that would serve its families with honesty, dignity and integrity. Sadly, Joe passed away on the 28th February 1998 but the business will continue on into the future with the same integrity, compassion and code of ethics that he practiced and believed in.

Our Complex

Westland Funeral ServicesIn 1962 Joe bought the old Blanchfields Bakery site at 134 Tainui St, demolished the building and built a brand new multi-level funeral complex. This included living accommodation, garaging, offices and a chapel.  This building served the company until 1990 when major renovations commenced and the new extended funeral home was dedicated and opened on the 19th April 1991. This now included a new larger chapel, an organ loft for the new electronic organ, viewing rooms, interview lounge, new modern mortuary and more garaging. This is the building the company still operates from today .

The William Sampson Memorial Chapel (named after Greymouth’s longest serving funeral director) has a modern, yet traditional restful atmosphere. Within the last few years there have been interior developments as the older, smaller viewing rooms have been enlarged and tastefully decorated.


In August 1994 Westland Funeral Services installed a new state of the art All Cremator, imported from America, as part of the complex.  Joe was particularly proud of this. It had always distressed him that bereaved families had to have their loved one taken to Christchurch for cremation and that if they wanted to attend a service at the Crematorium they had to face a long trip over the sometimes treacherous alpine passes and back.  Some of these journeys in the depth of winter were extremely harrowing.  The fact that the crematorium is in Greymouth has increased the cremation rate substantially from under 20% in 1994 to over 70% today.

Meet Our Team

David Neame
David NeameFuneral Director and Embalmer (FD. NZ Cert)
I am a third generation Coaster with my family coming primarily from Kumara, I spent my formative years at Paroa school where I believe I received a good all-round education. I finished my schooling locally and went on to a job at Dixon House as a career. I enjoyed this role immensely however after 11 years I was approached by Mark Pattinson and asked if I was interested in a role change. I then began my current career as a funeral director/embalmer. I have two children Caleb, and Hannah. My role as a Funeral director gives me great satisfaction, it provides the unique opportunity to help others when they most need help. People say that it requires a special person however I believe it requires common sense, and an ability to put yourself in other peoples shoes. This role requires a significant time investment and it is thanks to a supportive family that I am able to give it 100%. A dignified service is what I strive to provide to all people regardless of station. I am proud to hold a New Zealand certificate in Funeral Directing and to be one of only two fully qualified Funeral Directors in Greymouth – both of whom work at Westland Funeral Services
Denise Coll-Dwyer
Denise Coll-Dwyer Funeral Director and Embalmer (NZ Dip. FD, NZ Dip. Emb.)
I am a born and bred West Coaster, educated at St Patrick’s School and John Paul II High School. I’m actively involved in the local Catholic Church and have worked part time as the Parish Treasurer there for the past 20 years. Out of work time I enjoy art and socialising with family and friends. My husband Wayne and I have two adult children, Tom and Michael.

Quality service and setting high standards is important to me. I believe a woman’s understanding and a natural empathy help me in assisting grieving families at a time of uncertainty and distress.

I am a fully qualified embalmer and hold a NZ Diploma in Embalming and am a proud member of the New Zealand Embalmers Association. I am also a qualified funeral director and hold a NZ Diploma in Funeral Directing.

Hiedi Richards
Hiedi RichardsFuneral Assistant
I was born on the beautiful West Coast into a whanau well known in the Westport automotive industry. I enjoy the Coast lifestyle and the small town atmosphere. My working background is in aged care and social services. The knowledge and experiences I have gained from my previous working life fits perfectly into the funeral industry. I get great personal satisfaction looking after people and giving care and aroha when families need it the most.

Outside of work I enjoy exploring local bushwalks with my dog Luna – a gorgeous black Schnauzer. I like to spend time moseying around my home, looking after my purebred Seal Point Ragdoll cat, ‘Sage’, and two other ‘not so flash’ cats, my turtles and some goldfish.

Maggie Boot
Maggie BootFuneral Celebrant
I am a West Coaster born and bred with a history of over 30 years nursing and a strong sense of quality and commitment to families. Cultural and religious needs of a family are important to me and my solid family and faith based background enable me to provide this in a time of need.

My husband Lionel and I have two adult children. Away from work I enjoy spending time with my beautiful grandchildren, pottering in my garden and baking. I’m actively involved with my local Catholic parish where I am a member of the choir and am part of the team who arrange the floral displays in the church.

Our Location

Phone: (03) 768 0250

Address: 134 Tainui Street, Greymouth

PO Box: 417 Greymouth 7840

Email: westlandfs@xtra.co.nz